What is Restorative Sleep

Having a good night’s sleep is often an underrated means of acquiring a healthy and stress-free life. Though you may have extended hours of sleep every day, not all of it equates to quality slumber. You may already have your favorite sheets put on and your perfect pillow, but how can you ensure a restorative sleep? 

A restorative sleep should make you feel rejuvenated upon waking up. This means your body feels relaxed and recharged after an undisturbed rest.

Sleep is an essential physiological process. It restores your body for the next day ahead. As noted by Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, sleep is a basic need that goes along with food, drink, and oxygen. Without adequate and quality sleep, you cannot be your best self. The lack of restorative sleep can make you feel lethargic, unfocused, and, possibly, on edge.

Consequences of Insufficient Restorative Sleep

An overnight of non-restorative sleep can result in an immediate effect on your mood, energy level, and ability to focus. In this state, you wake up feeling tired and groggy. 

There are several reasons why we are perpetually tired. Especially with the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, new adjustments to work, school, and home life consume our day. How can we find more quality rest when we already feel like we don’t have a spare minute to give?

Numerous factors contribute to poor sleep, leading to feeling drowsy in the morning. Here are some:

Blue light exposure: The more electronic devices you use throughout the day or while in bed, the harder it is to achieve restorative sleep. Before bed, using televisions, smartphones, tablets, laptops, or other electronic devices may delay your body's internal clock, known as circadian rhythms. The short-wavelength artificial blue light emitted by these devices suppresses the release of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone.

Drinking and eating habits: Studies reveal that having an unhealthy diet such as consuming more saturated fat and less fiber can be associated with a lighter and less restorative sleep. Drinking beverages like alcohol or caffeine will leave you feeling dizzy and restless. If you struggle waking up feeling refreshed, you might want to consider keeping a food journal or changing your diet.

Bedroom disturbances: You may wake up feeling groggy in the morning if something keeps waking you prematurely at night. These disturbances can include loud noises, disruptive light, or anything else that may jolt you awake.

An unsupportive mattress: If you have an old mattress or one that does not support your body type, weight, or preferred sleeping position, it could negatively impact your sleep. The feeling of stiffness, body aches, shoulder or hip pain, and tiredness can be associated with your mattress.

Increasing Restorative Sleep

If any of the issues above resonate with you, some simple steps can be taken to improve your quality of rest and achieve restorative sleep.

Practicing a healthy diet: A well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet can help regulate your sleep. Nutrition plays a significant role in how well you sleep at night. Food directly influences your serotonin, a hormone that aids in promoting healthy sleep. To achieve restorative sleep, you must consume foods that aid in calming the body and increasing your serotonin levels.

Relaxing: You can use some meditation or breathing techniques to help yourself get relaxed before going to bed. If meditation isn't something you like, you can try playing soothing background noises or music as you may experience in a spa. Maintaining focus on ways that can help you get a restful sleep rather and setting aside those worries about the things that keep you awake may help you fall asleep better.

Putting away the electronics: To acquire a healthy sleep, minimize your exposure to blue light. Put down the electronics and opt for a cup of decaffeinated tea, read, or do mild yoga. These simple tasks can help you relax your mind and muscles, so you can sleep better at night.

Creating the right sleeping environment: If what you've been doing does not seem to be working, might as well switch it up! Explore what works for you and discover the right lighting, ideal temperature, or the number of pillows and blankets that make you feel most comfortable. Remember that you need to curate an environment that doesn't only induce sleep, but one that helps you stay asleep throughout the night.

Investing in a new mattress: When it comes to learning how to sleep well, one of the main factors is the suitability of your mattress. Choosing the ideal type of mattress for your sleeping habits can greatly improve your sleep quality. Say goodbye to achy and groggy mornings using the right mattress and bedding.

Optimizing Your Bedroom for Restorative Sleep

Fall asleep in the bedroom of your dreams today.  If you constantly struggle with disrupted and broken sleep, a quality mattress may just be the solution you need. It’s a whole lot easier for your brain to fall asleep when your body has a comfortable and supportive mattress to fall back on. 

The Restorative BedTM by Bryte is purpose-designed to actively nurture natural, more restorative sleep.  Bryte RebalancingTM sensor monitor for pressure imbalances as you shift throughout the night and relieve any pressure points to eliminate wake events and foster more restorative, unbroken sleep. An embedded sensory network within the mattress detects biometrics such as heart rate and breathing patterns to identify when a sleeper enters the first stage of sleep. Bryte’s climate system then triggers cooling features to lower the body's core temperature and gently guide sleepers through an optimal balance of sleep stages. 

The Restorative Bed™ uses science-backed technology to help you achieve restorative sleep by helping you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake feeling more restored. Bryte’s purpose-built software can help you analyze your sleep quality as well. Check out our mattresses and get the sleep you deserve every night. For more information, visit Bryte.com.

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